16 Little Known Facts About Ferna

As you may have noticed, Ferna recently wrote a really nice birthday post where she reveals 25 interesting facts about me. I figured that since it’s now Ferna’s birthday it would be fitting if I wrote something similar for her! So without further delay, here is a list of 16 things you may not know about Ferna to celebrate her birthday!

Note – There should be 22 facts (since she is turning 22) but the thing is I started off writing the title in hexadecimal (which as everyone knows 0x16 = 22) but then I forgot about that and read it as decimal. True story…

1. She has very strict requirements on the kinds of cats she likes

Ferna thinks most cats are vermin has a very interesting relationship with cats. In particular she doesn’t like kittens, especially if they jump around too much or are too small and springy. While this all sounds like sacrilege to me, I can rest easy knowing that she loves chubby, grumpy, long-haired useless cats who sit around all day and do nothing.

A rare tender moment between Ferna and a particularly playful cat.

2. She is a stone-cold insect killer

Unlike a lot of girls (and actually a lot of men too) who shriek at the sight of a cockroach, Ferna is a straight-up, cold-blooded insect exterminator. Without hesitation she will stomp on that unfortunate cockroach’s hopes and dreams (and exoskeleton). If you have 6 or more legs, be very afraid.

3. She reads abnormally quickly

As a native English speaker and fairly avid reader, I always assumed that I read at an acceptable rate. However, my reading speed is pedestrian compared to the turbocharged pace that Ferna is capable of. I don’t even know how it’s possible; one second we’re starting at the same word, and by the time I’m on sentence two she’s on paragraph three!

4. She’s basically singing all the time

A day hasn’t passed where I’ve been in her presence and she didn’t break into song at least once, and I don’t think anyone’s complaining either!

5. English is not her first language

While this will be obvious for a lot of people, it’s surprising how many people don’t believe it! Somehow despite still speaking Tagalog with a perfect accent, she can speak English with a polished American accent that most people would guess is native.

6. Her elbows can bend more than 180 degrees

This on it’s own is sort of scary interesting. What’s even more interesting though is that she didn’t even know that not everyone could do this until I recently pointed it out to her!

7. She loves imitating accents (and people)

Ferna has an ever expanding repertoire of various accents that she likes to do. She attributes her present-day American accent to her childhood love of perfecting accents. She also has the uncanny ability of reducing a whole person’s personality to a few phrases and facial expressions and imitating them really well.

8. Don’t get on her bad side… trust me

Ordinarily she is the sweetest person in the world who is very polite and outgoing, but if you upset her or anyone that’s important to her, you will regret it. Remember that whole insect stomping thing I was talking about earlier? Yeah… you’d be better off not having that unleashed on yourself.

9. She doesn’t like jokes

If you’re ever in the mood to make Ferna NOT laugh, I suggest trying to entertain her with a scripted joke. It could be the best pun ever crafted, but it’ll probably get at best an annoyed look from her.

10. She loves PBS Eons (the YouTube show)

Despite admittedly not being a fan of “scientific media” she is always in the mood to watch PBS Eons, a YouTube show about the evolution of life on Earth. Unfortunately I was not able to ignite a similar enthusiasm for anything containing the following: computers, gears, wings or engines. You can’t win ’em all I guess…

11. Her whole life is written out in her planner

There is a tinge of jealousy that I have for people who can keep detailed and effective planners and Ferna is definitely one of those people. I don’t think I’ve seen her really cram for an exam before!

Pictured here is Ferna’s actual planner from last year. Notice the color coordination and other things I probably couldn’t do for more than one day straight.

12. She was a Piczo master back when it was a thing

Piczo (R.I.P) was one of the first social media sites in existence. It was a place where mostly teens could blog and create their own websites. You can imagine who was one of its most avid users and even used her own custom CSS! Internal nerd senses are definitely tingling…

13. Her favorite Sims phrase to imitate is “Azoozoo”

We all have them (I think?), those Sims phrases that got stuck in our heads from when we were young. My personal favorite has always been “Quebeneb?” but for Ferna, “Azoozoo!” is where it’s at.

14. She has never driven a car

Except for that one time where someone let her touch the steering wheel that is.

15. Dante’s Inferno was part of Ferna’s high school curriculum

This might be more a little known fact about her high school rather than Ferna herself but am I the only one that is amazed by this?! I read it only a few years ago and I can’t imagine myself reading it as a teenager and not being a native English speaker.

16. She was a gifted child

She will definitely try to play this one down but the awards don’t lie! If you need more proof try competing against her in a spelling contest (spoiler alert, she’ll probably be finding spelling mistakes in this post when I show it to her).

There you have it, 16 facts about Ferna, the best girlfriend I could ask for! Hopefully my attempt at blog-speak worked and this doesn’t read like a 1957 nautical navigation reference. Happy birthday Ferna, I love you ❤️

Ange Yaghi
Ange Yaghi

I’m a computer engineer and Ferna’s boyfriend. Apparently I’m also a part-time blogger…

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