How Couples Survive Long-Distance Relationships

Sustaining a long-distance relationship is undeniably hard work. If you aren’t in one yourself, just imagine a typical relationship…except with (sometimes painfully long) periods of physical separation. That’s hundreds of…

16 Little Known Facts About Ferna

As you may have noticed, Ferna recently wrote a really nice birthday post where she reveals 25 interesting facts about me. I figured that since it’s now Ferna’s birthday it…

25 Little-Known Facts About My Boyfriend

In celebration of my boyfriend Ange’s 25th birthday today, I decided to compile a list of 25 things that most people may not know about him. Let’s begin: 1. He…

My Boyfriend Does My Makeup

Here is the first video of the year featuring a very good sport – my boyfriend Ange! Watch as he flaunts his top-notch makeup skills. If you would like to…

My Boyfriend and I Cover “Vienna” by Billy Joel

Just a bit of info: my boyfriend Ange and I recently celebrated our second anniversary (yay)! I am currently in Toronto for Thanksgiving and today, we decided to cover Billy…

The Upside of Long-Distance Relationships

There is no shortage of articles about the downsides of long-distance relationships (LDRs). To be fair, this is totally understandable. I don’t have much “typical” relationship experience, but based on what…

My Long-Distance Valentine

Even though I’m sure no one needs a reminder – yesterday was Valentine’s Day! Sadly, I didn’t have any fancy plans; I just went to class, headed back home and started…